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EDDHA-Fe: Solusi Ideal untuk Kekurangan Zat Besi di Tanah dengan pH Tinggi
EDDHA-Fe: Solusi Ideal untuk Kekurangan Zat Besi di Tanah dengan pH Tinggi
EDDHA-Fe: Solusi Ideal untuk Kekurangan Zat Besi di Tanah dengan pH Tinggi
EDDHA-Fe: Solusi Ideal untuk Kekurangan Zat Besi di Tanah dengan pH Tinggi
EDDHA-Fe: Solusi Ideal untuk Kekurangan Zat Besi di Tanah dengan pH Tinggi
EDDHA-Fe: Solusi Ideal untuk Kekurangan Zat Besi di Tanah dengan pH Tinggi

EDDHA-Fe: Solusi Ideal untuk Kekurangan Zat Besi di Tanah dengan pH Tinggi

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EDDHA-Fe is a chelated iron fertilizer that corrects iron deficiency, even in alkaline soils. It promotes chlorophyll production and improves plant growth. It can be applied through foliar spray or soil application.

Minta Penawaran
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Produk Pendahuluan

EDDHA-Fe is a highly effective chelated iron fertilizer designed to correct and prevent iron deficiencies in plants. The chelation of iron with EDDHA (ethylenediamine-N,N'-bis(2-hydroxyphenylacetic acid)) ensures that iron remains soluble and bioavailable, even in challenging alkaline or calcareous soils, where iron is often less available to plants. EDDHA-Fe enhances the production of chlorophyll, improving photosynthesis and overall plant health. This results in stronger, more vibrant crops with better growth and yield. EDDHA-Fe can be applied through foliar spraying or soil application, offering versatility for different farming practices and crops.


Skenario Aplikasi

Benefits of EDDHA-Fe in Agriculture:

  1. Prevents Iron Deficiency:
    EDDHA-Fe helps prevent symptoms of iron deficiency, such as chlorosis (yellowing of leaves), especially in soils with high pH levels where iron is typically unavailable. It ensures that plants have access to iron when they need it most.

  2. Improves Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll Production:
    As iron is a vital component of chlorophyll, EDDHA-Fe boosts chlorophyll synthesis, enhancing photosynthesis. This results in stronger, greener plants that can better convert sunlight into energy.

  3. High Stability and Solubility:
    EDDHA-Fe remains stable in soils with a high pH and is highly soluble in water, making it an ideal solution for alkaline soils. This stability ensures that the iron remains bioavailable to plants over time, providing long-term benefits.

  4. Metode Aplikasi Serbaguna:
    EDDHA-Fe can be applied through various methods such as foliar spraying, fertigation, or direct soil application. This flexibility allows it to be used in different agricultural systems, whether in fields, greenhouses, or hydroponic setups.

  5. Promotes Healthy Plant Growth:
    By correcting iron deficiency, EDDHA-Fe supports overall plant health, improving root development, enhancing enzyme activity, and increasing crop productivity. Healthy plants are more resistant to diseases and environmental stresses.

Aplikasi di bidang Pertanian:

EDDHA-Fe is beneficial for a wide range of crops, including:

  • Fruit crops (misalnya jeruk, apel, anggur)
  • Sayur-sayuran (misalnya tomat, bayam, selada)
  • Sereal (misalnya gandum, jagung, beras)
  • Hiasan (misalnya bunga, semak)
Kemasan produk

Paket: kantong kertas kraft 25kg (mendukung kustomisasi)

transportasi:transportasi darat, transportasi laut, transportasi udara


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