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Maximize Photosynthesis and Crop Yield with EDTA-Fe Iron Fertilizer
Maximize Photosynthesis and Crop Yield with EDTA-Fe Iron Fertilizer
Maximize Photosynthesis and Crop Yield with EDTA-Fe Iron Fertilizer
Maximize Photosynthesis and Crop Yield with EDTA-Fe Iron Fertilizer
Maximize Photosynthesis and Crop Yield with EDTA-Fe Iron Fertilizer
Maximize Photosynthesis and Crop Yield with EDTA-Fe Iron Fertilizer

Maximize Photosynthesis and Crop Yield with EDTA-Fe Iron Fertilizer

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EDTA-Fe is a chelated iron fertilizer that improves iron availability, preventing deficiency and promoting healthy growth. It supports chlorophyll production and photosynthesis, ideal for foliar spray, soil application, and hydroponics.

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Produk Pendahuluan

EDTA-Fe is a water-soluble chelated iron fertilizer that ensures efficient iron uptake by plants. It helps correct iron deficiency symptoms such as chlorosis and yellowing leaves. With its high stability and solubility, EDTA-Fe is perfect for improving plant health, supporting photosynthesis, and enhancing crop productivity. It can be applied through foliar feed, fertigation, or directly to the soil.


Skenario Aplikasi

Benefits of EDTA-Fe in Agriculture:

  1. Mencegah Kekurangan Zat Besi:
    EDTA-Fe provides plants with readily available iron, preventing common deficiency symptoms such as yellowing between leaf veins (interveinal chlorosis). This ensures healthy plant growth and improved crop quality.

  2. Meningkatkan Fotosintesis dan Produksi Klorofil:
    As iron is a vital component of chlorophyll, EDTA-Fe enhances chlorophyll production, promoting better photosynthesis and stronger, greener plants.

  3. Kelarutan dan Stabilitas Tinggi:
    EDTA-Fe is highly soluble, making it easily absorbed by plant roots or foliage. The chelation process also stabilizes iron, ensuring its effectiveness across a wide range of soil pH levels, especially in alkaline soils where iron availability is typically low.

  4. Metode Aplikasi Serbaguna:
    EDTA-Fe can be applied through foliar spraying, fertigation, or soil application, offering flexibility depending on crop type and growing conditions. Foliar feeding provides rapid results, while soil application ensures long-term nutrient availability.

  5. Supports Crop Productivity and Quality:
    By addressing iron deficiency, EDTA-Fe promotes healthy growth, higher yields, and improved resistance to stress factors, enhancing both the quantity and quality of crops.

Aplikasi di bidang Pertanian:

EDTA-Fe is widely used for a variety of crops, including:

  • Buah-buahan (misalnya jeruk, apel, anggur)
  • Sayur-sayuran (misalnya tomat, bayam, selada)
  • Sereal (misalnya gandum, jagung, beras)
  • Hiasan (misalnya bunga, semak)
Kemasan produk

Paket: kantong kertas kraft 25kg (mendukung kustomisasi)

transportasi:transportasi darat, transportasi laut, transportasi udara


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