아미노산 파우더 비료: 향상된 성장과 토양 건강을 위한 유기 식물 영양
제품 브로셔:다운로드
Amino acid powder fertilizer is an organic plant nutrient derived from natural proteins. It enhances plant growth, improves soil health, and increases crop yields by promoting nutrient absorption. Rich in essential amino acids, it helps boost photosynthesis, root development, and stress resistance.
제품 소개
응용 프로그램 시나리오
제품 포장
제품 소개
제품 설명
Amino acid powder fertilizer is an organic plant nutrient derived from natural proteins such as soybean, fish, or animal sources. It contains essential amino acids that promote plant metabolism, enhance root development, and improve nutrient absorption. By stimulating enzyme activity, it aids in the synthesis of chlorophyll, leading to stronger and healthier crops. Suitable for a wide range of plants, including fruits, vegetables, and grains, this fertilizer helps improve overall soil structure and fertility, making it an excellent choice for sustainable agriculture.

응용 프로그램 시나리오
적용 및 복용량
어플리케이션 :
- 엽면비료
- 관개비료
- 물세척 비료
다음과 호환 가능하며 혼합 가능:
- 칼슘, 구리, 철, 아연, 망간, 붕소, 몰리브덴의 분말 및 액상
- 해초, 부식산, 풀빅산의 분말 및 액상
- NPK 분말 및 액상
제품 사용 범위
야채, 토마토, 올리브나무, 과일나무, 감귤나무, 포도원, 바나나 등 모든 작물
농장, 정원, 관상용 식물 및 잔디밭.
농장, 정원, 관상용 식물 및 잔디밭.
2kg/ha, 600-800times dilution
20-30kg/ha, 200~300timesdilution
Enzymatic Amino Acid Powder 80% can be mixed with pesticides for enhanced function of pesticides
Timing: To be sprayed at 10 a.m. or 4 p.m. to allow best absorption.
Respray: To be resprayed if it rains within 2 hours.
Timing: To be sprayed at 10 a.m. or 4 p.m. to allow best absorption.
Respray: To be resprayed if it rains within 2 hours.
제품 포장
패키지: 20kg 크래프트 종이 봉지(맞춤형 지원)
운송:육로 운송, 해상 운송, 항공 운송