Amino Acid Powder Fertilizer: Organic Plant Nutrition for Enhanced Growth and Soil Health
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Amino acid powder fertilizer is an organic plant nutrient derived from natural proteins. It enhances plant growth, improves soil health, and increases crop yields by promoting nutrient absorption. Rich in essential amino acids, it helps boost photosynthesis, root development, and stress resistance.
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plantations, gardens, ornamental plants and lawns.
2kg/ha, 600-800times dilution
20-30kg/ha, 200~300timesdilution
Timing: To be sprayed at 10 a.m. or 4 p.m. to allow best absorption.
Respray: To be resprayed if it rains within 2 hours.
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trasport: trasport bl-art, trasport bil-baħar, trasport bl-ajru