Kategoriji kollha

Pilloli tal-kloru ta '40 lbs

Chlorine Tablet to Secure a Clean and Safe Pool

Is it frustrating trying to keep the pool clean and safe? If so, the 40 lbs chlorine tablets are on the way to rescue you like pillola tal-kloru tal-pool by DEVELOP. It can provide a solution that will ensure your pool remains clean and clear every day of swimming time.

Benefiċċji tal-pilloli tal-kloru

The 40 lbs. chlorine tablets have the advantages you desire for pool maintenance same as pilloli tal-kloru għal pool by DEVELOP. They are great at fighting those bad bacteria and other organisms. They slowly dissolve delivering a reliable supply of sanitizing chlorine to your pool. In addition, it will last a week in just a single application. 

Għaliex tagħżel DEVELOP pilloli tal-kloru ta '40 lbs?

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