EDTA-Cu: Îmbunătățirea absorbției cuprului pentru culturi mai sănătoase și mai puternice
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EDTA-Cu is a chelated copper fertilizer designed to supply plants with an easily absorbable form of copper. Copper is essential for enzyme activation, photosynthesis, and plant metabolism. EDTA-Cu ensures efficient copper uptake, preventing deficiencies and promoting healthy plant growth, especially in soils with low copper availability.
Introducerea Produsului
Scenarii de aplicație
Ambalarea produsului
Introducerea Produsului
EDTA-Cu is a chelated copper fertilizer that ensures efficient copper uptake by plants. Copper is essential for enzyme activation, photosynthesis, and plant metabolism. It helps prevent copper deficiency, leading to healthier, stronger crops. EDTA-Cu is highly soluble and bioavailable, making it effective even in copper-deficient or alkaline soils. It can be applied via foliar spray, fertigation, or soil application for versatile use.
Scenarii de aplicație
Benefits of EDTA-Cu in Agriculture:
Prevents Copper Deficiency:
EDTA-Cu provides plants with a readily available form of copper, preventing the symptoms of deficiency, such as chlorosis (yellowing of leaves) and reduced growth. This ensures plants receive the essential copper they need for optimal development. -
Improves Photosynthesis and Plant Health:
Copper plays a critical role in photosynthesis by activating enzymes involved in chlorophyll production. EDTA-Cu supports these processes, promoting healthier plants with improved growth, stronger root systems, and better stress tolerance. -
Increases Yield Potential:
By correcting copper deficiencies, EDTA-Cu enhances plant metabolism, which in turn improves nutrient uptake and overall crop productivity. This results in better-quality crops and higher yields. -
Highly Bioavailable and Stable:
The chelation of copper with EDTA ensures its stability and solubility in soil, making it more bioavailable to plants even in challenging soil conditions such as high pH or low copper levels. -
Flexible Application Methods:
EDTA-Cu can be applied through various methods, including foliar feeding, fertigation, or soil application, making it adaptable to different farming systems and crop types.
Aplicații în agricultură:
EDTA-Cu is widely used in the cultivation of a variety of crops, including:
- Culturi de fructe (de exemplu, citrice, mere, struguri)
- Legume (de exemplu, roșii, spanac, salată verde)
- Cereale (de exemplu, grâu, porumb, orez)
- Ornamentale (de exemplu, flori, arbuști)
Ambalarea produsului
pachet: pungi de hârtie kraft de 25 kg (suport personalizare)
transport: transport terestru, transport maritim, transport aerian