Подстакните раст и здравље биљака са ЕДДХА-Фе хелатираним гвожђем
Брошура производа:ПРЕУЗИМАЊЕ
EDDHA-Fe is a chelated iron fertilizer that corrects iron deficiency, even in alkaline soils. It promotes chlorophyll production and improves plant growth. It can be applied through foliar spray or soil application.
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Сценарији апликације
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EDDHA-Fe is a chelated iron fertilizer formulated to provide a stable and efficient source of iron for plants. The unique chelation process ensures that iron remains available to plants even in high-pH soils, where iron is typically bound and less accessible. EDDHA-Fe helps to correct iron deficiency symptoms, such as chlorosis (yellowing of leaves), and supports critical plant processes like chlorophyll production and photosynthesis. This results in healthier plants, enhanced growth, and improved crop yields. It is particularly beneficial for crops grown in alkaline soils and can be applied as a foliar feed, through fertigation, or directly to the soil, making it a versatile and reliable solution for iron nutrition in agriculture.
Сценарији апликације
Benefits of EDDHA-Fe in Agriculture:
Спречава недостатак гвожђа:
EDDHA-Fe helps prevent symptoms of iron deficiency, such as chlorosis (yellowing of leaves), especially in soils with high pH levels where iron is typically unavailable. It ensures that plants have access to iron when they need it most. -
Побољшава фотосинтезу и производњу хлорофила:
As iron is a vital component of chlorophyll, EDDHA-Fe boosts chlorophyll synthesis, enhancing photosynthesis. This results in stronger, greener plants that can better convert sunlight into energy. -
High Stability and Solubility:
EDDHA-Fe remains stable in soils with a high pH and is highly soluble in water, making it an ideal solution for alkaline soils. This stability ensures that the iron remains bioavailable to plants over time, providing long-term benefits. -
Разноврсне методе примене:
EDDHA-Fe can be applied through various methods such as foliar spraying, fertigation, or direct soil application. This flexibility allows it to be used in different agricultural systems, whether in fields, greenhouses, or hydroponic setups. -
Promotes Healthy Plant Growth:
By correcting iron deficiency, EDDHA-Fe supports overall plant health, improving root development, enhancing enzyme activity, and increasing crop productivity. Healthy plants are more resistant to diseases and environmental stresses.
Примене у пољопривреди:
EDDHA-Fe is beneficial for a wide range of crops, including:
- Fruit crops (нпр. цитруси, јабуке, грожђе)
- Поврће (нпр. парадајз, спанаћ, зелена салата)
- житарице (нпр. пшеница, кукуруз, пиринач)
- Орнаменталс (нпр. цвеће, жбуње)
proizvod Паковање
пакет: 25кг крафт папирне кесе (подршка прилагођавању)
транспорт: Копнени транспорт, поморски транспорт, ваздушни транспорт