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EDTA-Mn Fertilizer: Enhancing Manganese Absorption for Healthier Crops
EDTA-Mn Fertilizer: Enhancing Manganese Absorption for Healthier Crops
EDTA-Mn Fertilizer: Enhancing Manganese Absorption for Healthier Crops
EDTA-Mn Fertilizer: Enhancing Manganese Absorption for Healthier Crops
EDTA-Mn Fertilizer: Enhancing Manganese Absorption for Healthier Crops
EDTA-Mn Fertilizer: Enhancing Manganese Absorption for Healthier Crops

EDTA-Mn Fertilizer: Enhancing Manganese Absorption for Healthier Crops

Tài liệu giới thiệu sản phẩm:TẢI VỀ

EDTA-Mn is a chelated manganese compound where manganese (Mn) is bound to ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), forming a stable complex. This chelation enhances manganese solubility and availability, making it an effective micronutrient for plants and an important additive in various industrial applications.

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Giơi thiệu sản phẩm

EDTA-Mn is a highly effective chelated micronutrient fertilizer that supplies manganese in a readily absorbable form. It supports essential plant functions such as enzyme activation, nitrogen metabolism, and disease resistance. Ideal for a variety of crops, EDTA-Mn remains soluble in different soil conditions, making it perfect for fertigation, foliar feeding, and soil amendments to enhance plant growth and productivity.

EDTA-Mn (2).png

Các kịch bản ứng dụng

Role of Manganese (Mn) in Plant Growth

Manganese is an essential micronutrient that plays a crucial role in plant development. It is involved in several key physiological processes, including:

  • Quang hợp: Mn is a critical component of the water-splitting enzyme in photosystem II, aiding in oxygen evolution.
  • Kích hoạt Enzym: It acts as a cofactor for various enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism, nitrogen assimilation, and antioxidant defense.
  • Chlorophyll Synthesis: Mn contributes to chloroplast formation, helping maintain green, healthy foliage.
  • Kháng bệnh: It enhances plant resistance against fungal and bacterial infections by strengthening cell walls.

Phương pháp ứng dụng

  1. Phun lá:

    • Dissolve EDTA-Mn in water and spray directly onto leaves for quick absorption.
    • Recommended concentration: 0.05%–0.1% solution (depending on crop type).
  2. Ứng dụng đất:

    • Mix with irrigation water or fertilizers to supply Mn directly to plant roots.
    • Ideal for alkaline or calcareous soils where manganese availability is limited.
  3. Hydroponics & Fertigation:

    • EDTA-Mn is suitable for controlled environments, ensuring precise nutrient delivery to plants.

Recommended Crops for EDTA-Mn Use

  • Cereals (wheat, rice, maize)
  • Fruits (citrus, grapes, apples)
  • Vegetables (tomatoes, potatoes, lettuce)
  • Legumes (soybeans, peas)
  • Oilseeds (sunflower, canola)
Đóng gói sản phẩm

đóng gói: túi giấy kraft 25kg (hỗ trợ tùy chỉnh)

vận tải: Vận tải đường bộ, vận tải đường biển, vận tải hàng không


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