zonke iindidi

Ikhaya /  IMVELISO  /  Umquba  /  Isichumisi se-amino acid

Isichumiso sePowder ye-Amino Acid e-Eco-Friendly sokuphucula uPhuhliso lweengcambu kunye nokufunxa iSondlo
Isichumiso sePowder ye-Amino Acid e-Eco-Friendly sokuphucula uPhuhliso lweengcambu kunye nokufunxa iSondlo
Isichumiso sePowder ye-Amino Acid e-Eco-Friendly sokuphucula uPhuhliso lweengcambu kunye nokufunxa iSondlo
Isichumiso sePowder ye-Amino Acid e-Eco-Friendly sokuphucula uPhuhliso lweengcambu kunye nokufunxa iSondlo
Isichumiso sePowder ye-Amino Acid e-Eco-Friendly sokuphucula uPhuhliso lweengcambu kunye nokufunxa iSondlo
Isichumiso sePowder ye-Amino Acid e-Eco-Friendly sokuphucula uPhuhliso lweengcambu kunye nokufunxa iSondlo

Isichumiso sePowder ye-Amino Acid e-Eco-Friendly sokuphucula uPhuhliso lweengcambu kunye nokufunxa iSondlo

Incwadana yeMveliso:KHUPHELE

Amino acid powder fertilizer is an eco-friendly alternative to chemical fertilizers. It is biodegradable, non-toxic, and safe for the environment. By improving soil fertility naturally, it supports sustainable agriculture while reducing reliance on synthetic chemicals.

  • Intshayelelo Product

  • Imeko yokusetyenziswa kwesicelo

  • Packaging Product

Intshayelelo Product
As an eco-friendly alternative to chemical fertilizers, amino acid powder fertilizer supports sustainable farming practices. It is biodegradable, non-toxic, and free from harmful residues, making it safe for both the environment and human consumption. By improving soil fertility naturally, it reduces the dependency on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, contributing to long-term agricultural sustainability. Additionally, it enhances soil water retention, prevents nutrient leaching, and supports beneficial soil microbes, promoting a balanced and healthy ecosystem for plant growth.
i-amino acid powder fertilizer.png
Imeko yokusetyenziswa kwesicelo
- Isichumiso samagqabi
- Isichumiso sokunkcenkceshela
- Isichumiso sokugungxulwa kwamanzi
Iyahambelana kwaye inokuxutywa ne:
-Umgubo kunye nolwelo lweCalcium, Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn, B, Mo
- Umgubo kunye nolwelo lwe-seaweed, i-humic acid kunye ne-fulvic acid
- Umgubo kunye nolwelo lwe-NPK
Zonke izityalo ezibandakanya: imifuno, iitumato, imithi yomnquma, imithi yeziqhamo, imithi yesitrasi, imidiliya, ibhanana
amasimi, iigadi, izityalo zokuhombisa kunye neengca.
Ukunikezelwa kwesitayile
2kg/ha, 600-800times dilution
20-30kg/ha, 200 ~ 300times dilution
I-Enzymatic Amino Acid Powder 80% inokuxutywa nezibulali zinambuzane ukuze kuphuculwe ukusebenza kwezibulali zinambuzane.
Ixesha: Liza kutshizwa ngentsimbi ye-10 kusasa okanye ngo-4 malanga ukuvumela ukufunxa kakuhle.
Isitshizi: Siza kugalelwa kwakhona ukuba kunetha kwiiyure ezi-2.
Packaging Product

iphakheji: 20kg iingxowa zephepha kraft (inkxaso ngokwezifiso)

ezothutho:Izothutho zomhlaba, ezothutho elwandle, ezothutho ngenqwelomoya


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