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الرئيسية /  المنتجات  /  المواد الكيميائية لمعالجة المياه

مصنع تصنيع لابسا لمواد المنظفات نقاء 96%
مصنع تصنيع لابسا لمواد المنظفات نقاء 96%
مصنع تصنيع لابسا لمواد المنظفات نقاء 96%
مصنع تصنيع لابسا لمواد المنظفات نقاء 96%
مصنع تصنيع لابسا لمواد المنظفات نقاء 96%
مصنع تصنيع لابسا لمواد المنظفات نقاء 96%

مصنع تصنيع لابسا لمواد المنظفات نقاء 96%

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Appearance: It usually presents as a viscous, light yellow to brown liquid. The color variation might be due to different production processes and purification levels.

Odor: LABSA has a characteristic, somewhat pungent odor.

Density: The density generally falls within the range of 1.02 - 1.05 g/cm³, which is an important parameter for storage and transportation considerations.

Solubility: It is highly soluble in water, forming a cloudy solution initially that clears up upon further agitation. This solubility property enables its wide application in aqueous formulations.

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  • سيناريوهات التطبيق

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المادة النشطة % 96.3
المادة غير المكبرتة % 0.7






سيناريوهات التطبيق


  • Detergent Industry: It is the backbone of the detergent formulation. The water-soluble salts formed from LABSA provide excellent detergency, emulsifying, and foaming properties. It can effectively remove dirt, grease, and stains from fabrics, making it indispensable in laundry detergents, dishwashing detergents, and industrial cleaners.
  • Textile Industry: LABSA is used in textile processing for pretreatment, dyeing, and finishing. It helps in wetting the fibers, improving dye uptake, and providing anti-static properties to the finished textiles.
  • Leather Industry: In leather manufacturing, it is applied for degreasing, soaking, and tanning. It aids in removing natural fats and oils from the hides and skins, preparing them for further processing.
  • Petroleum Industry: It can be used as an emulsifier in petroleum emulsions, helping to mix immiscible substances like oil and water, which is beneficial for drilling muds and enhanced oil recovery processes.
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